
[Before I get to the mildly lame climax, I wanted to let you know that I will be starting a new website where I'll be writing a cultural, political and religious commentary of sorts. When it's ready, I'll be posting a link on this site. Please check back infrequently over the next few weeks to find it.]

Okay. We're home.

I've thought about writing this final post many times over the past seven months - pondering the intricacies of wrapping up an entire trip in just a paragraph. Each time I've given my mind to going home, I've gotten emotional. How can I possibly sum up what this epic adventure has met to us? The more I've thought about it, the more certain I am that I am just not sure how this once-in-a-decade trip has changed us or made us more complete - and I doubt you'll want to come back around Christmas when I can reflect with greater clarity. So today I'm afraid there is nothing substantial to leave you with, except that I'm glad we did it.

What I really wanted to convey in this last post is our sincere gratitude to you, our readers. We started this website as a way to chronicle our travels - we had no idea it would turn into a sources for happiness. It gave us routine when we needed it. It connected us to home when we felt so far removed. And it connected us to you - family and friends with whom we loved sharing this trip. Your comments and emails gave us fuel when we needed it most. So we say thanks, over and over, for making this trip more than we could have hoped.

We would love to hear from all of you - whether you followed our journey entirely, just for certain countries, or even for a short time. If you have a second, we'd love to hear from you via a comment below.

All of our pictures are here.


Gwen Jackson said...

Josh & Kari,

It's been great following your journey. It's been a great way to keep connected. So great to have you home!


ASHER said...

just glad you guys are home. hope to take a trip out to la to see you.

Anonymous said...

The Continent of Africa looks pretty barren. What about a few more months in the country of South Africa?

I was always excited to follow your adventure and insight. Welcome back to reality.

Your friend


The Chinlund Family said...

Hi Guys! Just wanted you to know I followed your trip the whole way through :) Hope to see you in the QC this weekend, even if only for a few minutes! Glad you're home!

Anonymous said...

I, for one, am going to miss reading about your adventures and living vicariously through them. You are a marvelous, colorful and creative writer, Josh, and I looked froward with great anticipation to every one of your blogs. Because of you guys, I sent licorice to Katmandu, Nepal....something I'll tell my grandkids. Welcome "home", wherever that is!! Love, Jo

::athada:: said...

If you didn't post, my dear e-friend, I fear we'd have no friendship at all, not to mention you even existing ;)

Thanks. The blog is "perfect".

Anonymous said...

What an incredible journey you guys were able to take. I loved reading your blogs and seeing the world through your website.

-Jonathan Athearn, IWU '03

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through Brandon and Jennifer Bruce's site. I truly loved reading your reflections about life in strange places on the same earth we live on! I'm sooo sad it is over.

And for the record, if I was sitting on a ton of money, I'd pay for you guys to keep traveling...just because I enjoyed your journals so much!

Lots of love and well wishes from Texas!

Anonymous said...

on days when i longed to escape and even "drift," i would read your blog and look at your pictures and pretend i was with you. traveling. to wherever your path led you. seeing new things. doing old things. not bound by life's normalities. but free to follow it as it came to you. what a beautiful drifting you took. i'm glad that i got to be a part of it.

kerry kind said...

We've enjoyed reading all of your narrative and viewing the snapshots. It has been interesting! It makes a terrific record of your journey.

Anonymous said...

I've been with you both the whole way; especially loved the movies you put up, it reminded us of how great it was to hang out with you. Hey! We've booked our LA trip. Check your Yahoo email :)


Anonymous said...

Man, I could cry just reading the comments, let alone the great posts...yikes! I am sad that the journals are over, but it is way nice to have to back into the country :). It was great seeing you last week and felt totally normal having you around and hanging out...love you both!

pk said...

We love you so much! I hung on every word!

There really are few feelings quite like going for the dream. Way to go!

Loved hanging with you the other day! Hope to see you again soon.

Anonymous said...

I followed you guys the whole way! You are both incredible people. Thanks for all the writing and thoughts.

Love Ya,

Deur said...

Thanks for sharing the journey - you jackos!

Libby said...

Kari - Not sure if you remember me, but I worked in IWU Admissions. I'm not even sure who's blog I linked from to find yours, but I've been following your trip! Thanks for taking us all along with you!


rebekah said...

josh&kari...i stopped in every once in a while to check in on you two -- smiled when i just read what topped your fav city list. i, too, love mex city. spent a week in oaxaca last summer and several weeks in mex city... went back to mex city in febr this yr. actually, i think the very day that you started your trip. it wouldn't entirely surprise me if i live there one day. regardless, i WILL find myself there again and again. too many people and things that i love who are there. and, yes, yummy tacos. glad you made it back safely.

Christin said...

Welcome home guys!

Andrea said...

What a journey. Thanks for taking us with you. I've been a 'regular' and its with mixed feelings that I read your last post! (Kari - it was so good to see you at P&B's wedding tho it seems to be ages ago already!)

Keith Drury said...

I checked the blog often to find your footsteps on the journey pathway ... thanks for taking the time (and money for Internet access) to often update the journey ... that enabled many of us to experience the journey vicariously. --Coach d

Mark & Jennie said...

So fun to keep up with the two of you & your adventures! Thanks for leaving it open to any and all - I enjoyed reconnecting with you from afar! Here's to many adventures to come...and I agree with an above comment, that Africa is needing some love. If you find yourself around, look me up in Uganda!

Nathan said...

I've been checking off and on through your whole trip, during which time I traveled myself the paltry (in comparison) distance of 2000 miles from medical school to residency. Glad you all got back safely. and thanks for the pictures, it's been a joy to live vicariously through them when I'm stuck in the hospital.